KB Infinity Support is owned and operated by Kelly and Craig Bampton.
Kelly has worked in the care industry from a very young age and has now clocked up over 25 years experience between the UK and the near decade and a half she has lived in Australia. Kelly has had the privilege of working with many mentors over the years, who have had strong values when it has come to providing support services to adults/ children that have a disability.
Those lessons, life experiences and strong values have had a great impact on what Kelly believes a Service should look like and more importantly how it should be delivered.
Having a disability does not define who you are, we are all different and unique and all have the ability to achieve our dreams and life goals. Some just need more support than others.
On the rare occasions Kelly is not working, she loves to spend time with her family - husband & business partner Craig , 3 children, a dog, a cat and now two beautiful grandsons - plus enjoying the lifestyle the Sunshine Coast has to offer.
KB Infinity Support believes that Equality and Diversity are the very core of inclusion for everybody and by providing a strong valued service, we are able to empower and support people with a disability to shape their future, knowing that the possibilities are endless.
KB Infinity Support would like to inspire and create communities where people with a disability are able to feel included, supported and are able to achieve their goals and aspirations.